The first START Award competition was launched in May 2021 to support team development activities for the development of applications to the Solutions Program - Addictions focus. The primary objective of START is to support meaningful engagement activities with knowledge users, stakeholders, and persons with lived and living experience in order to build research teams and co-develop research questions and approaches with collaboration outside the academic community.
Teams were required to be co-led by an academic and a non-academic co-principal applicant.
This summer, we supported 9 teams with a total investment of $41,535.80. Teams are now working towards the Solutions Program application deadline on December 7, 2021. Solutions Program funding will be announced in March 2022.
Funding Recipients
Gwen Machnee, Parkland College, $5,000
Candice Nelson, SIGN
Accessibility to Services in Rural Saskatchewan: Access for persons with addictions without transportation, internet access or devices
Geoffrey Maina, University of Saskatchewan, $4,720
Razawa Maroof, Regina Community Clinic
Creating space for immigrant communities to speak up: Building solutions to address substance use and addiction through discourse
Marcella Ogenchuk, University of Saskatchewan, $4,301.80
Martha Morin, Dene High School
Approaches to Student Wellness in Substance Abuse Prevention
Anna Pacik, The Lighthouse Supported Living Inc., $4,988
Anthony de Padua, University of Saskatchewan
Building Connections, Exploring Possibilities, and Reducing harm for Staff and Persons with Substance Use Disorders within the Lighthouse facilities
Mamata Pandey, Saskatchewan Health Authority, $4896
Elder Alma Poitras, Peepeekisis First Nation
Healing the Spirit: A Peer informed and led model of Care for Substance use and Addictions
Stuart Skinner, University of Saskatchewan, $4,570
Danita Wahpoosewyan, Wellness Wheel
Wellness Wheel Peer Health Advocate Wellness Network (PHAWN)
Beverly Wudel, University of Saskatchewan, $4,860
Larissa Kiesman, Westside Community Clinic
Cracks and gaps in the Saskatchewan health care system: the impact of COVID-19 on individuals with risks associated with drug use and addiction
James Dixon, University of Saskatchewan, $3,950
Emily Bear, Metis Addictions Council of Saskatchewan Inc. (MACSI)
Substance use capacity building for people with lived and living experience (PWLLE) and service providers in Saskatoon
Carrie Bourassa, University of Saskatchewan, $5,000
Chief Michael Starr, Star Blanket Cree Nation
Community Engagement Workshops with Star Blanket Cree Nation and Cowessess First Nation to Support the Collaborative Development of Addictions-Focused Research Proposals.