SHRF Announces Latest Recipients of Collaborative Innovation Development Grants That Aim to Find Novel Solutions to Saskatchewan’s Health Challenges
Thirteen researchers have been funded through Saskatchewan Health Research Foundation’s (SHRF) Collaborative Innovation Development grant program to tackle health challenges relevant to Saskatchewan.
Project topics include looking at the effect of meditation on chronic migraines; using virtual reality to enhance nursing student knowledge and confidence before entering the clinical environment; looking at the use of medications that can be ‘triggered’ by NanoKnife technology to improve targeted treatment for pancreatic cancer; and examining the oral and nutritional health status of Métis older adults in northern Saskatchewan.
All the research teams supported by this investment totaling over $600,000 are interdisciplinary, bringing expertise from not only varying academic and professional backgrounds, but also from industry and community team members who will help produce new knowledge or apply new approaches to solutions for better disease diagnosis, treatment or patient care in Saskatchewan.
The purpose of this funding program provides seed money to support collaborative, interdisciplinary and innovative research activities that represent the first steps toward pursuit of more comprehensive funding. Funding provided by SHRF is intended to foster creativity, novelty and innovation in research that has potential to benefit the health of Saskatchewan residents and strengthen future funding applications. Ideas are supported by a sound rationale and feasible experimental plan, but not necessarily preliminary data.
“This being SHRF’s sixth offering of this funding program, we have seen the impact that these CID projects can have on the future success for the research teams and overall health outcomes for the province,” says SHRF CEO, Patrick Odnokon. “These teams will join the ranks of health researchers that are making Saskatchewan a healthier province while bringing new home-grown health innovations to the world stage.”
This year’s competition included The Lung Association, Saskatchewan, as a funding partner for two projects focused on respiratory health. SHRF also identified a priority area of research focused on a technology solution within Saskatchewan’s health care system. This grant was awarded to Dr. Donald Leidl from the University of Saskatchewan and his team to look at integrating virtual reality into clinical education.
For more details on these and other funded projects, see our searchable results database or watch for more impact stories on our blog.
For more information contact:
Nikki Desjardins, Communications and Outreach Officer, SHRF or 306-975-1693
2019-20 Collaborative Innovation Development Grant Recipients
Mohan Babu University of Regina
Understanding the Role of a Mitochondrial Orphan Gene in a Rare Metabolic Disorder
Josef Buttigieg University of Regina
Antibody mediated targeting of autoimmune cells in multiple sclerosis
Francisco Cayabyab University of Saskatchewan
Low Frequency Magnetic Stimulation (LFMS): Non-Invasive and Low Cost Option for Treating Post-Stroke Depression
Paulette Hunter St. Thomas More College
Using video-assisted patient education to support discussions about palliative care in long- term care
Marla Mickleborough University of Saskatchewan
Impact of Neurofeedback-based Meditation on Migraine Chronification
Michael Moser University of Saskatchewan
Enhancement of Irreversible Electroporation (NanoKnife) through the use of prodrugs activated by the electrical current.
Bhanu Prasad Saskatchewan Health Authority
Feasibility study of a randomized controlled trial investigating renal denervation as a possible treatment option in patients with Loin Pain Hematuria Syndrome
Hassanali Vatanparast University of Saskatchewan
Promoting wellness through oral and nutritional health of older Métis adults in a northern Saskatchewan Métis community
Joyce Wilson University of Saskatchewan
Pro- and anti-viral roles for host Argonaute protein and RNA interference in vitro and in vivo.
Yuliang Wu University of Saskatchewan
Molecular Pathogenesis and Targeting of DDX41 in MDS/AML
Partner Funding Recipients The Lung Association, Saskatchewan
Donna Goodridge University of Saskatchewan
The influence of health literacy and self-efficacy on treatment acceptance and adherence in patients with Obstructive Sleep Apnea
Nicole Hansmeier University of Regina
Molecular effects of second-hand cannabis exposure
Priority Funding Area Recipient for Technology Solutions Within the Saskatchewan Health Care System
Donald Leidl University of Saskatchewan
Integrating Virtual Reality into Clinical Education