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First wave of SHRF Align Grants set the stage for important health research in the year ahead

Chelsea Cunningham for SHRF
SHRF is kicking off another year of health research funding with the 2023-24 Align Grant. These short-term and targeted research initiatives ensure that health research is supported by interdisciplinary teams and in alignment with the needs of the province. Congratulations to this wave of recipients. - Patrick Odnokon, SHRF CEO

The Align Grant encompasses SHRF's first funded projects of 2023-24 and the opportunity for Saskatchewan health researchers to inform, coordinate, develop research priorities and plans for the year ahead.

The Align Grant was first established in 2022 with the goal of providing funding to enable the:

  • Development and engagement of robust interdisciplinary research teams; and

  • Completion of activities that shape research to align with the context and needs of Saskatchewan.

This grant is part of SHRF's Connections Program, which prioritizes knowledge mobilization and collaboration outside of academic settings.

The Align Grant includes several calls each fiscal year, allowing researchers to coordinate their existing or upcoming initiatives with these targeted alignment opportunities.

SHRF is proud to announce the recipients of the 2023-24 Align Grant, Call #1 in addition to the 2023-24 Align Grant, Child and Youth Health. While Call #1 is open to all areas of human health research, the Child and Youth Health call reflects SHRF’s 2023-24 ‘Child and Youth Health Solutions Focus Area’, with the goal of supporting SHRF Solutions Program applications later in the year. Combined, this round of funding has supported 11 research projects, for a total investment of $109,444.


2023-24 Align Grant, Call #1 Recipients

Angela Baerwald | University of Saskatchewan Vivian Ramsden | University of Saskatchewan $9,998 Development of an Evidence-Informed Strategy for Primary Care Recruitment and Retention in Saskatchewan

Project Summary

Lindsey Boechler | Saskatchewan Polytechnic $10,000 Pathways to Safer Communities: Co-Creating a Crisis Preparedness Framework for Indigenous Communities

Project Summary

Ali Honaramooz | University of Saskatchewan Abbas Khani-Hanjani | University of Saskatchewan $10,000 Novel Solutions for Organ Shortage: Toward Generation of Pig Organs for Xenotransplantation

Project Summary

Michelle Pavloff | Saskatchewan Polytechnic $9,989 Farm Reminiscing: The Experiences of Older Saskatchewan Adults Using a Telephone-Based Social Program

Project Summary

Rabia Shahid | University of Saskatchewan Shahid Ahmed | University of Saskatchewan $9,889 Patients with Diabetes and Cancer: Treatment Experience and Challenges

Project Summary

2023-24 Align Grant, Child and Youth Health Recipients

Amira Abdelrasoul | University of Saskatchewan $9,990 Establishing Partnerships With Child and Youth Hemodialysis Patients in Saskatchewan Towards Improved Patient Outcomes

Project Summary

Krista Baerg | University of Saskatchewan $9,775 Addressing Treatment Variability for Pediatric Complex Regional Pain Syndrome in Canada: Preparing for National Consensus Guideline Development

Project Summary

Michael Dubnewick | University of Regina $10,000 Movers for Change: Broadening Pathways for Youth Connection

Project Summary

Saija Kontulainen | University of Saskatchewan $10,000

Connecting, Disseminating and Co-Designing a Tailored Exercise Intervention to Optimize Bone Development in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder

Project Summary

Joshua Lawson | University of Saskatchewan $9,993 Childhood Asthma and Mental Health

Project Summary

Heather Szabo-Rogers | University of Saskatchewan $9,900 Personalized Medicine Team for Craniofacial and Cardiovascular Birth Defects for Saskatchewan Children and Youth

Project Summary


The Saskatchewan Health Research Foundation (SHRF) is the provincial agency that funds, supports and promotes the impact of health research that matters to Saskatchewan. SHRF collaborates with stakeholders to contribute to the growth of a high-performing health system, culture of innovation and the improved health of citizens by strengthening research capacity and competitiveness, increasing the investment in health research in Saskatchewan and aligning research with the needs of our stakeholders. Inquiries about SHRF's Align Grant may be directed to Karen Tilsley, Director of Programs and Partnerships, at


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