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Encouraging Early-Career Health Researchers: SHRF's 2024-25 Establishment Grant Recipients

Sarah Kasleder for SHRF
"Congratulations to this new group of Establishment Grant recipients as they represent the next generation of health researchers in Saskatchewan. By addressing local health challenges and building a strong foundation for their careers, these researchers are paving a bright future for health and healthcare in our province. With projects ranging from exploring the gut-brain relationship in Crohn's Disease to improving communication and patient-centred care in the ICU, these talented individuals are making a difference. We look forward to the positive impact your work will have on our health research ecosystem," said Patrick Odnokon, CEO of SHRF.

As the funding opportunity within SHRF's Capacity Program, the Establishment Grant aims to assist early-career researchers in Saskatchewan in establishing an autonomous program of health research that addresses local health challenges. It also supports these researchers in achieving the productivity necessary to obtain major funding from national and other agencies in the future.

Establishment Grants provide up to $150,000 over three years to support research activities by early-career researchers in the province.

Early-career researchers are those who are within the first five years of their career after completing their research training or pivoting from a healthcare-focused practice to research. Establishment Grant funding provides these individuals a critical foundation to grow their successful health research careers in Saskatchewan. These grants simultaneously strengthen the Saskatchewan research sector and promote meaningful advances in health and healthcare.

SHRF is proud to announce the 2024-25 Capacity Program has funded 8 projects for a total investment of $1.19M.

Grant Recipients & Project Summaries

Amanda Hall, University of Saskatchewan, College of Medicine

$150,000 Examining the gut-brain relationship in Crohn's Disease

Project Summary

Sabira Valiani, University of Saskatchewan, College of Medicine | Saskatchewan Health Authority Department of Adult Critical Care Medicine

$149,926.48 Connect-ICU: Improving communication and patient and family-centered care in the ICU with the use of communication technology

Project Summary

Charles Plante, Saskatchewan Health Authority, Academics and Learning $149,995 Using Health and Social Data to Support Local Health Decision-Making in Saskatchewan

Project Summary

Jacob Alhassan, University of Saskatchewan, College of Medicine $149,993 Transportation poverty and health equity in Saskatchewan: Measuring the current evidence and the development of an innovative decision support tool

Project Summary

Andrew Eaton, University of Regina, Faculty of Social Work $150,000 Mapping Needles, Preventing Disease: Feasibility of Pop-Up HIV and Syphilis Prevention Among People Who Use Injection Drugs in Regina, Saskatchewan

Project Summary

Charlene Thompson, University of Saskatchewan, College of Nursing $149,999.62 Improving Immunization Services and Health Outcomes for Children and Families in the Saskatchewan Health Authority

Project Summary

Julie Kosteniuk, University of Saskatchewan, College of Medicine $149,909 Exploring opportunities to increase rural primary care readiness for dementia care

Project Summary

Aneesh Thakur, University of Saskatchewan, VIDO $150,000 Inducing protective immunity in the lungs by messenger RNA vaccines

Project Summary


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