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SHRF and SCPOR Cultivate Patients as Partners with Over $1.2M in Funding for Patient-Driven Research


February 6, 2019 (Saskatoon) – Saskatchewan Health Research Foundation (SHRF) announces nine teams have received over $1.2 million in Sprout Grant funding to engage patients as partners and tackle research questions that are driven by the patient. This is the second offering of the patient-oriented research funding competition, funded in partnership with the Saskatchewan Centre for Patient-Oriented Research (SCPOR).

Research teams, which include researchers, health care providers, health system decision makers, and patient/family advisors, will use this funding to investigate health challenges such as improving lung cancer diagnosis with artificial intelligence imaging analytics and improving care for those living with inflammatory bowel disease. Additionally, five out of the nine funded projects focus on Indigenous health by addressing patient-driven priorities from First Nations and Métis communities across Saskatchewan.

“SHRF invests in collaborative, innovative health research that aligns with the needs of our stakeholders,” says SHRF CEO, Patrick Odnokon. “Investing in the needs of Saskatchewan patients through the work of these research teams is contributing to the improved health of our citizens and ensuring more federal dollars flow to Saskatchewan researchers addressing Saskatchewan’s health challenges.”

SCPOR is one of 11 provincial/territorial units established to build capacity and collaborations for patient-oriented research and facilitate its implementation. Funding for this work comes from the Canadian Institutes of Health Research’s (CIHR) Strategy for Patient-Oriented Research (SPOR) and focuses on evidence-informed improvements to health policies and the health care system by engaging patients at all stages of research.

“This funding further increases the amount of patient-oriented research happening in Saskatchewan,” says SCPOR Scientific Director, Dr. Malcolm King. “With the involvement of patients and their families, as well as policy and decision makers, we believe this research will contribute to relevant and sustainable impacts for the health care system and for the health and wellness of Saskatchewan people.”

2018-19 Sprout Grant Recipients

Paul Babyn University of Saskatchewan Improving lung cancer diagnosis with novel artificial intelligence imaging analytics

Jill Bally University of Saskatchewan Supporting Indigenous Family Caregivers of Children with Life-Threatening and Life-Limiting Illness in Saskatchewan

Brenna Bath University of Saskatchewan A Community-Informed Team and Technology Approach to Chronic Back Pain Management in Partnership with a Northern Saskatchewan Cree First Nation

Roslyn Compton University of Saskatchewan Towards Improving the Quality of Life for Long Term Care Residents: Exploring the Current Factors Affecting Healthcare Provision and Health Outcomes

Anthony de Padua University of Saskatchewan Exploring the Experiences of Spirituality and Healing for Indigenous people living with HIV and the Co-creation of a Circle for Healing

Sarah Donkers University of Saskatchewan Individualized Behaviour Change Strategies for Physical Activity in Multiple Sclerosis

Tasha Epp University of Saskatchewan Pets and people in the gap: identifying perspectives on pets and pet health, working towards community-derived interventions to promote community health in communities under-served by veterinarians in Saskatchewan

Juan-Nicolas Pena-Sanchez University of Saskatchewan Understanding and advocating for Miyo-Māhcihowin (good health and well-being) among Indigenous Peoples living with Inflammatory Bowel Disease

Noelle Rohatinsky University of Saskatchewan Healthcare Utilization and Access to Care in Patients with Inflammatory Bowel Disease in Rural Saskatchewan

About SHRF – Saskatchewan Health Research Foundation (SHRF) is the provincial funding agency that funds, supports and promotes the impact of health research that matters to Saskatchewan. SHRF collaborates with stakeholders to contribute to the growth of a high-performing health system, culture of innovation and the improved health of citizens by strengthening research capacity and competitiveness, increasing the investment in health research in Saskatchewan and aligning research with the needs of our stakeholders.

About SCPOR – Saskatchewan Centre for Patient-Oriented Research (SCPOR) is one of 11 provincial/territorial units led by CIHR to build provincial and national capacity for patient-oriented research. With support from the governments of Canada and Saskatchewan, nine provincial organizations provide funds and in-kind contributions. These organizations include: University of Saskatchewan, eHealth Saskatchewan, Saskatchewan Health Quality Council, Saskatchewan Health Research Foundation, Ministry of Health, Saskatoon Health Region, Regina Qu’Appelle Health Region, University of Regina and Saskatchewan Polytechnic.


For More Information:

Nikki Desjardins Communications and Outreach Officer, SHRF or 306-975-1693

Farha Akhtar

Communications Specialist, SCPOR or 306-966-1733


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