Connections Program
SHRF Mobilize Grant:
Truth & Action
Funding for researchers and non-profits for activities that share knowledge and promote health and reconciliation
Important Dates
Application Deadline
There is no deadline for this funding opportunity.
Applications will be reviewed as they are received.
Funding Decisions
Apx. 15 business days after application submission, subject to demand.
Funding Start Date
The 1st of the month, at least four weeks after application submission and no more than four months after application submission.
Opportunity Overview
The Mobilize Grant aims to increase the sharing of knowledge in ways that are easily accessible and useful for a range of audiences to inform decisions about health practices, programs and policies. Addressing the TRC Calls to Action, and in the spirit of the commission to reconcile Indigenous and non-Indigenous Peoples and perspectives, this funding supports knowledge sharing and collaboration activities for healthy and connected communities in Saskatchewan.
This call is intended to provide funding that includes but is not limited to activities that: emphasize co-creation; share knowledge and stories; highlight Indigenous ways of knowing; offer recognition of cultural knowledge and ethical protocols; address attitudes, behaviors, institutions, and structures; create cross-cultural and generational interactions and exchanges; and provide guidance on culturally responsive healthcare that responds to intersecting barriers to care, with the goal of improving the health of Indigenous Peoples in Saskatchewan.
Focus Area
For this call, activities must address the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada report through evidence-based practices, research, and Indigenous ways of knowing with the overall goal of improving any area of human health.
Funding Details
Up to $10,000.
The grant provided is for up to one year (12 months).
Multiple Applications
The Principal Applicant can submit only one application per SHRF’s fiscal year (April 1 to March 31), but may be a co-principal applicant or co-applicant on other applications.
Eligibility Checklist
Applications to this funding opportunity are eligible if they:
Specifically address the recommendations of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada (TRC): Calls to Action.
Support knowledge sharing between different audiences, therefore fulfilling the objectives of knowledge mobilization.​​​​
SHRF uses the term knowledge mobilization to refer to all activities used to bring awareness to research activities and findings in a way that can be used in practice. This includes but is not limited to knowledge synthesis (i.e. compiling and interpreting information from multiple sources), dissemination (i.e. distributing information to others), transfer (i.e. sharing skills experience and ideas), exchange (i.e. consulting and collaborating learning environments), and co-creation (i.e. collaborating with other stakeholders to guide the design process). Knowledge mobilization should encourage exchanges between researchers and knowledge-users.​
Have appropriate team members and collaborations to support knowledge mobilization that is not unidirectional.
Have an eligible Principal Applicant to submit the application in the SHRF Research Management System (shrf.smartsimple.ca).
Be based in Saskatchewan during the funding period of the grant.
Not be a trainee in relation to the proposed project.
Agree to adhere to all SHRF funding policies and annual reporting requirements.
Successful Principal Applicants will sign a Notice of Acceptance prior to the release of funds.
Failure to comply with terms and conditions will prevent authorization of any future SHRF funding.
Have a position that supports them to carry out activities that promote evidence-based health knowledge and practices on behalf of their organization for public benefit.
This includes:
Post-secondary institutions that have a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with SHRF (see the complete list in the SHRF Funding Guide)
Registered charities
Non-profit organizations
If the Principal Applicant’s organization is not an MOU institution, they must be able to provide the following to SHRF:
Organization banking information to receive payment if an application is successful;
CRA registration number;
Contact information for a financial office or designated bookkeeper who is able to provide annual financial statements of account to SHRF for the duration of the grant;
Additional information as needed about their position and their organization regarding:
Their organization’s charitable status and experience receiving grants,
Purpose and governing documents of their organization (eg. annual report, governance structure, certificate of incorporation.​
An eligible Mobilize Grant Principal Applicant must:
Refer to the Application Package for all application requirements and instructions.
Information Webinar
How to Apply
Each application must be made online through SHRF’s Research Management System (SHRF RMS). All follow-up correspondence and documents will also be accessed there.
SHRF's Resources page has more information and technical support to help you throughout the application process.
​You can also find helpful How-To videos on our YouTube page.
Click on 'Login to Apply' to access the system from any page on our website.
For help with the system, contact helpdesk@shrf.ca
Program Contacts
We're here to help!
For questions about the Mobilize Grant, reach out to the program manager, Chelsea Cunningham ccunningham@shrf.ca
For questions about the SHRF RMS, reach out to Tanya Skorobohach helpdesk@shrf.ca
For questions about other funding opportunities, reach out to fundinginfo@shrf.ca
