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Important Dates

Competition Launch: June 27, 2024


Information Webinar: Watch here >


Eligibility Check Cut-off: September 26, 2024 - 4:30 p.m. CST


Eligibility Revisions Deadline: October 4, 2024

Application Deadline*: November 14, 2024 - 4:30 p.m. CST

Funding Decisions: March 6, 2025

Funding Start Date: March 1, 2025

*Check with your institution for internal deadlines and allow time to obtain required approvals.

Opportunity Details

Program Purpose

The purpose of the SHRF Solutions Program is to support collaborative and engaged research for the development and implementation of innovations to address timely Saskatchewan health needs and create a sustainable impact in a focused area. 
All applications must address one or more of the health challenges (i.e., focus areas) identified for the competition year.


Grants offered as part of the Solutions program support interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary teams including knowledge users to address one or more of the focus areas named in the current year’s competition. 
Considering the stage and goals of the proposed research, applicants select the appropriate grant opportunity according to the following objectives:  

Innovation Grant Objective

Catalyzing the development of innovative solutions to address pressing health challenges.

Impact Grant Objective

Advancing the translation of evidence-based solutions into real world and practical applications.

Opportunity Details

Focus Areas

Focus areas are selected to address timely needs and create sustainable impact. In addition to the focus areas determined by SHRF, partner funding organizations support additional focus areas. In the 2024-25 competition year, four focus areas are available and are listed below.


Applications need only address one of these focus areas. 

2024-25 Focus Areas

Child & Youth Health*, in collaboration with Jim Pattison Children's Hospital Foundation (JPCHF)

Minimum $1M in funding available



Rural & Remote Health*

​Minimum $400K in funding available



Lung Health, in partnership with Lung Saskatchewan

$200K in funding available



Alzheimer's Disease & Other Dementias, in partnership with the Alzheimer Society of Saskatchewan

$200K in funding available



*An additional $200K in funding is available for Patient-Oriented Research projects in Child & Youth Health  and Rural & Remote Health in partnership with the Saskatchewan Centre for Patient-Oriented Research (SCPOR)

Focus Areas

Opportunity Partners

JPCHF Logo Horz RGB - Web and Word.png

Funding Details

Innovation Grant

Up to $50,000 for 1 year. 

Impact Grant

Up to $150,000 for 2 years. 

Funding Details

Important Information: CV Requirements

SHRF values our ability to adapt to changing trends, aligning with the needs and priorities of the province and our stakeholders. We are committed to achieving operational excellence by ensuring our processes are improved and optimized for the best user experience, which is why we have created a SHRF Researcher Profile to be used when applying to SHRF’s programs.


This replaced the Canadian Common CV  for SHRF competitions as of 2023-24.


Team Requirements

The Solutions Program aims to support research with the potential to make a difference in Saskatchewan for the selected focus area. Therefore, research teams should be collaborative and constituted to support the goals of the proposed research and potential impacts. 

There must be at least three Applicants/Investigators who are based in Saskatchewan and fulfill the following requirements: 

  • One researcher who meets the eligibility requirements for a Principal Applicant

  • A second researcher who brings a different disciplinary perspective 

  • A knowledge-user who brings perspectives on the practical applications of knowledge generated through the proposed research.  


By the Application deadline, each team member must be invited to the Application via the RMS and accept the email invitation indicating they consent to their participation in the project.


Additionally, consider the following when forming your research team:

  • Any additional team membership requirements listed in a relevant focus area or partnered focus;

  • Having people with lived/living experiences on the team is strongly encouraged;

  • Once the minimum team member requirements are met, additional team members from within or outside Saskatchewan may be included in any role;

  • There is no maximum number of team members. However, all team members should have a clear role and demonstrate how their expertise and/or experience is beneficial in addressing the research question(s) and/or potential impacts;

  • To support mentorship and capacity building, teams are encouraged to have both early career and established investigators, with trainees as appropriate. Novice and early career researchers applying as the Principal Applicant are encouraged to include experienced co-lead(s);

  • Having relevant supporters, including health system decision-makers, community leaders, community organizations, industry partners, etc. are strongly encouraged, as appropriate for the proposed project.


See full details in the Application Package.


Information Webinar

Information Webinar

How to Apply

Each application must be made online through SHRF’s Research Management System (SHRF RMS). All follow up documents will be accessed there. Our system helps facilitate the peer review process. Click on 'Login to Apply' to access the system from any page on our website. For help with the system, contact ​


Our Resource page has more information and technical support to help you throughout the application process. 


You can also find helpful How-To videos on our YouTube page. 

How to Apply

Additional Application Resources

It is the Principal Applicant's responsibility to support their team members throughout the application process. SHRF has resources to aid the Principal Applicant and team members through the application process.


​If you or your team members are experiencing barriers or difficulties participating in the application process, please contact SHRF so that we may find ways to make the process more accessible.

Other documents, such as Applicant Profile Instructions and Forms for Co-Applicants without internet access can be downloaded from SHRF's Resource page.

Program Contacts

We're here to help!

For questions about the Solutions Program, reach out to the program manager, Karen Tilsley:

For questions about the SHRF RMS, reach out to Tanya Skorobohach

For questions about other funding opportunities, reach out to

Program Contacts
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