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Honouring Leaders in SK Health Research

SHRF's Achievement Award honours those in Saskatchewan’s health research community who inspire us with their drive, leadership, ingenuity and achievement. From advancing new treatments to shaping public policy, these researchers are contributing to the improved health of citizens, enabling a high-performing health system, and building a robust culture of health research and innovation in Saskatchewan.

About the Award

The SHRF Achievement Award celebrates health research success in Saskatchewan by recognizing someone who has distinguished themselves within the health research community and who has demonstrated significant contributions to the health of our province. One Award is presented at SHRF’s annual Santé Awards celebration.

  • Awarded to a health researcher who is 15 or more years into their research career. They can be active in their field of research or retired.

  • It is not required that the nominee presently reside in Saskatchewan; however, the accomplishments should relate to work completed in the province.

  • While the relevance to SK should be addressed, the impacts of the work may be local, national and/or international.

Nomination Instructions

A minimum of three (3) colleagues with direct knowledge of the contributions of the nominee must nominate an individual. Self-nominations, as well as the nomination of current SHRF Board members and staff, will not be accepted. To be considered, the following must be submitted to SHRF by the nomination deadline:

  1. A joint letter of no more than four (4) pages describing the reasons the nominee is deserving of the Achievement Award.

  2. Contact information of all nominators, including names, affiliations, and email addresses.

  3. Email or signature from the nominee accepting the nomination.

Nomination Deadline: October 10, 2024

Submit Nomination
Get Your Santé Award Tickets

SHRF's annual Santé Awards celebrate health research excellence in Saskatchewan. This is a chance to: 

  • Recognize the many individuals within Saskatchewan's vibrant research and innovation ecosystem for their contributions to health research

  • Foster and strengthen connections with the research community, our partners and other provincial supporters

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